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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

[Brown] Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-un!

Camp Caribe's very own Camp Counselor Coco
at Haitian Kanaval (Carnival) 2009 in San Francisco.
Coco will teach some Haitian dance moves at camp. Watch out now!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

6 Spaces Left


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let's Get This Adventure Started!

Waving hello! This is Coco, CampCaribe's Camp Counselor & Education Assistant. As you can see, she's plenty excited about CampCaribe and all of the fun we're going to have this upcoming Spring! I don't blame her either. This is fun stuff. =)
The ad campaign - such as it is - is underway, so if you'd like to secure your child's space, all you need to get started is a completed registration form and the $250 deposit. Let me know if you have any questions about registration. There are 7 spots remaining.

Alley is already certified by the American Red Cross in CPR and Safety Training, and Coco and I will be certified within the next month or so.

There's a lot going on...only 9 months to goooo!

Camp Director